I have one week left of summer vacation and then I begin a new teaching journey with a new district! I'm excited and anxious, and somewhat ready to get back into the swing of things!
I'm ready for my structured schedule back: bedtimes, alarm clocks, meal preps and squeezing in the gym as often as time allows.
I tip my hat to stay at home moms. I once dreamed of a life where I could marry rich and stay home, until I spent my first summer home with my almost 5 year old and 7.5 month old. Just one summer is all I needed and I can tell you- I AM NOT ABOUT THIS LIFE! I love my babies but staying home all day, everyday with them is just not my calling in life. God did not give me the SAHM gene. Instead he called me to teach and I will cherish the summer vacations and school holidays with my kids but after that it's back to work and school for everyone.
While I have one more week left, so does Adrian! One week from tomorrow and his players report for camp and I will add football widow to the stack of hats I already wear. I can tell you the season is close because all that's on our TV at the moment are the Top 25 games of 2014. Last night it was game numbers eight and nine, and if it's not a football game replay then it's Madden. Coach doesn't do well with time off, June is usually his least favorite month because of all the down time. Needless to say he's ready to dive in head first!

Coach's New Bio!
We have 35 days until the season officially kicks off! I never thought I would be so ready for a new season of football, but after our last season I'm ecstatic!
I think that is all for now, so cheers lovies!
#GoSoutheastern #savagestorm