There is something about becoming a mom that makes some mommies truly believe they are an expert in parenting... and then out come the judgments.
Stay at home mom's crucify full-time working moms for not spending enough time with their littles... Working mom's belittle the job of a stay at home mom as not a real job...
I have seen so many women berate new moms for so many different issues: "over" feeding their babies, breast feeders vs non breast feeders, pro- vaccine mommies vs anti vaccine, cloth diapering vs regular old pampers, feeding organic diets vs the chef boyardee diet.... But really there is not a right or wrong way- There is the way you feel is the best for your family and your child.
The truth is we are all in this together! Every single one of us are just trying to be the best mommy we can to our littles... and while you may be an expert on your baby- that does NOT make you an expert on every other baby in the world.
Momma's with more than one little know... ALL babies are different. What works for one, will not always work for the other. The temperament of your first baby will not always be the same for the next. (Thank the Lord for that!) My first was colic and I think I might be in a loony bin if my four month old would have fallen along that path!
This video is such a GREAT example of all the stereotypes we have all set in place of different moms and how they raise their kids.
Bottom line: Being a mom is a tough job, and it's the most important one we, as women, will ever hold. Support other moms- don't judge and berate them just because their beliefs vary from yours.
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