Thursday, March 12, 2015

To Inject or To Not Inject

Merck makes a combo shot for MMR and Chicken Pox- ProQuad... I urge you avoid this combo at all costs! This combo requires ten times the amount of the live chicken pox virus that what the single vaccine uses. Combining the two interferes with the effectiveness of chicken pox, thus more is needed to ensure immunity. 
Vaccines and Immunization are a hot topic these days, and a touchy one at that. No one seems to be on the fence about the issue and if you're pro vaccine then you're thoughts, opinions and posts are pretty extreme towards anti-vaxers. If you're an anti-vaxer, you just simply think every other parent is committing child abuse and poisoning their entire family- I mean what kind of parent would do that?
I still can't decide where I stand on the issue, I have a four year old whom was fully vaccinated up until it was time for his 4 year boosters. At his 4 year well check in October, he was sick so I was suppose to call and make a new appointment for him to get his shots, well lets just say I don't get parent of the year award. We welcomed baby number two in December and I had questioned vaccine efficacy enough to know that the baby would not be receiving any shots until I had done further research and felt more comfortable in my decision. I have since went head first into doing my own research- and for the record for all of you idiots that think Jenny McCarthy piloted the anti-vax movement- you are clearly misinformed. Most anti-vaxers I know have never even heard of her and her sleezy self.
Here are some cold hard facts:
Kids today get triple the amount of doses that our generation and generations before us did.
Big Pharma fuels the vaccine industry and they are so deep in bed with the Federal Government that neither entity can be trusted.
Hepatitis B is given to babies at birth for their first dose. WHY?????? Hepatitis B is either sexually transmitted or transmitted through unsterilized needles. So unless mom is Hep B positive or your baby is going to be shooting up or having sex there is no medical reason for a NEWBORN baby to have this vaccine. 
This MMR vaccine that is stirring the most controversy as it should. MMR has the most recorded severe vaccine reactions that any other vaccine. MMR is a triple live virus vaccine. In childhood it is rare that a child would contract measles, mumps, and rubella all at the same time but yet Merck and Big Pharma want to inject babies with all three and just hope that child's immune system can handle all three live viruses? Children who have been vaccinated with MMR can still contract the wild measles, does anyone else see a problem with this logic? No wonder all you people who vaccinate worry about your kid getting wild measles...because the vaccine you gave them doesn't truly protect against the wild strain... Things that make you go huh? 

For those that are all aboard the federal and state governments to force every one to vaccinate I urge you to get informed. It's a civil liberty, as an American, to make informed decisions for one's family and their medical care. Forcing vaccinations takes away that right. It should be every parents' choice if they want to inject toxins into their child. I know several families who choose to vaccinate but one at a time. This is a reasonable option for those that feel it necessary to vaccinate and it limits the amount of toxins going into a child's immune system at one time. If vaccinations are forced I fear we will see more combo shots- which can be highly dangerous and compromise immune systems chronically. 
While I am neither anti-vax or pro-vax, I am pro being informed and pro informed consent. I have learned enough and read enough studies that I am not personally comfortable with vaccinating my boys at this time.

I am savoring my final days of Spring Break! Tomorrow we leave to spend the weekend in Arkansas with my family! While I am thrilled and excited to see my family...I have grown to loathe family trips. It's such a hassle packing for a baby! Here is a list of what we feel we need to take for AJ- Everyone is different, especially if you travel by plane, but the Haywoods are driving!

1. Lots of changes of clothes
2. Pacifier
3. Bottles
4. Breast Pump/Bags/Ice Packs/Small cooler
5. Burp Cloths- AJ has some reflux A LOT
6. Blanket
7. Bumbo Seat- Like he's going to touch the ground between my mom, step mom, and sister
8. Boppy Pillow
9. Diapers
10. Wipes

That's just the baby! Mommy still needs her shakeology, containers, 21 Day Fix workouts...and then of course the basic necessities for daily use like clothes, deodorant etc.

Day 4 of the Fix and I am feeling good. Lower body is still sore- but hey you've got to break those muscles down and tear them to rebuild them stronger and leaner. If you're not sore- you're not doing work!

Today's shake is going to be chocolate, cinnamon, and nutmeg mixed with almond milk and a green container of spinach! I LOATHE vegetables and since I need 5 greens a day I have to sneak them in somewhere.

Side Note* My milk supply while nursing is staying pretty stable while on the Fix. I have added the intense activity but I didn't cut calories too much. Round 2 I might try and drop down a calorie bracket but for now I wanted to go up a calorie bracket- I wasn't willing to chance a big dip in supply. After the first 21 days the hope is my body will have adjusted to the workout and activity level I have added with the clean diet and then round two I skim my diet down just a tad to get more results but at the same time keep up the milk supply!

Three months postpartum my focus is not cutting calories, and if you're in the same boat you should have the same philosophy. It took 9 months for your body to adjust and change with baby, it's okay for it to take 9 months for it to go back. My focus is making the clean eating and exercise my lifestyle again, creating good habits. Naturally if you're eating clean and adding activity your body will start to change. Now my body may not change as quick as I would like, but feeding my baby that good ol boobie milk is my priority right now!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Make It A Habit


Third day of my Spring Break (I love the Teacher Life) and third day of the 21 Day Fix....

I have always heard it takes 21 days to form a habit.... In reality, this is different person to person... Scientifically it takes a person anywhere from 18 to 254 days to make something a habit, on average 66 days... But 21 days is a good number to start with...Baby steps people!

Meals are going strong and clean.... I am loving Shakeology. I am eating 6 small meals a day and it's keeping my body fueled.

I am drinking so much water, I am peeing like I am 8 months pregnant again.

Workouts are going great. The Fix workouts are perfect for when I return to my regular schedule next week. 30 minutes a day is totally doable! My walking resembles that of a newborn baby giraffe wearing stilettos on ice.

I want so bad to take CLA, but it's frowned upon when you are nursing! In scientific studies it was proven that women who took CLA had a decrease in the fat in their breast milk....and my chubbs loves his fatty boobie milk!  Some claim it's safe...but this link was enough for me to not even chance it...

Goal for today is to make it through the Lower Fix.... and drink water!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

21 Day Fix!!!

6-7 Months before baby number two.
I am three months post baby and three months away from sitting on a beach. As I looked in the mirror I decided something had to give... Bouncing back from baby number two, at almost thirty years old is tough.

Once upon a time I was indulging in clean eating and intense fitness. Then we found out AJ was on his way, and essentially I thought it was okay to stop going to the gym and being "pregnant" gave me an excuse to eat anything I was craving. So the weeks I craved mashed potatoes and fried chicken, I ate it, almost daily. I was eating Chips Deluxe cookies-by the package- during my pregnancy and after too. I wanted to eat clean again but I couldn't buckle down and get focused...

40 Weeks with Baby #2
Than came the opportunity to to the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology. I signed up as a coach and started the fix yesterday! I can not wait to see the results! I shelled out the dough! Daddy is doing Advocare and meal preps and Mommy is doing the 21 Day Fix and meal preps! We are committed!

Yesterday I had to fight through the Total Body Cardio Fix...It was rough but I finished. Today is the upper fix! So I am sure tomorrow I won't even be able to carry around my chunky baby.
3 Months Post baby Number 2