It feels like just yesterday that we were beginning fall camps... and now the 2015 season has came to an end. Saturday marked the final game our seniors would take the field as Savage Storm player. It also marked the 99th meeting of Southeastern and ECU, our biggest rival. I am proud to say that for the second consecutive year in a row, our team left with the Great American Classic trophy! Since this is our first season here, I have not had the chance to bond with many players who were not part of the defensive line. Our Dline is losing four young men and my heart breaks a little bit. There is one player in particular whom my husband has coached since he was just a kid and playing juco ball. He has watched him grow from a pup to young man.
This time of year is always a rough one. Football Scoop is overloaded with firings/interim fillings/possible firing speculations on daily basis. This is a trying time for a coaching family and my heart goes out to those families. This is the first season in awhile that our lives are not hanging in the balance and we know where we will be when Spring ball rolls around. Some of our coaching staff is experiencing these feelings for the first time and I pray for them. This life isn't always an easy one, and no one, except another coaching family, can even begin to understand what you're going through.
I have never been more proud of my husband! He just wrapped up his 7th season as a college football coach and recorded his sixth winning season! This season his defensive line boys made great strides and broke some school records. The "Get off the ball" strategy became a phrase we said daily in our house and it gave us some good laughs!
Although I am a little sad that the season is over, I am a tad bit excited for a sense of normalcy in our lives. But what is normalcy as a coaching family? Daddy still doesn't work 8-5 and weekends are guaranteed free! Before we know it we will be fully engulfed in recruiting trips and the hubs will once again be available on a limited basis, but for now we will enjoy some family time.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Teacher Life...Year 2
I have survived week one in 7th grade! I am exhausted and saw the chiropractor THREE times this week to adjust the pain and discomfort from being on my feet and teaching eight hours a day again! Lesson to be learned: during summer vacation be more active and maybe, just maybe you won't be so tired and worn down when you jump back into adult life.
I read somewhere that 40/50 percent of new teachers leave the education field within the first five years. They leave for various reasons, but bottom line I can completely understand why! Last year, as a new teacher, I was thrown into a sink or swim scenario. I almost sank, never truly swam, managed to tread water and made it through until the end!
I spent the fall pregnant with baby number two. I left school every day and took nothing home. Life was a breeze. I wasn't responsible for lesson plans, 504 plans, IEP plans, STAAR testing or any other daunting task teachers face. I was solely an inclusion support teacher. It was fantastic, but I wasn't loving where I was or what I was doing. I had the itch for my own classroom and my very own students. While on maternity leave I applied for other positions and other schools and had a few interviews. On February 2nd I began a new opportunity! 8th grade ELAR teacher at Cesar Chavez in Waco, Tx. I knew very little about the scenario I was about jump, feet first, into. A little background... The school is in deep with the Texas Education Agency for not meeting STAAR testing standards for three year running. The students, in general, were pretty disrespectful and lacked any motivation to learn. They were at school for their social life. So- coming into a situation like that, especially mid-year, made for a rough spring!
Coach was on the defensive staff at a small junior college so his hours were a little flexible. He stepped up to the plate and played Mr. Mom. I spent the Spring semester leaving every morning at six o'clock, before my babes were even awake, and made it home sometime between six and seven at night. The drive to Waco was an hour each way...a nice quiet hour...but it grew old pretty quick. I stayed late everyday and was there early every morning. I took lesson plans and grades home every night and every weekend. I was always trying to keep my head above water. The spring was not a great experience. I barely saw my babes. I was completely run down. I had no time or energy to get to the gym. I was gaining weight like crazy. My husband was the best support system through it all! He took the boys to and from school everyday. He held down the fort while I was commuting and working too late. Finally June came! Summer vacation!
Fall is here, year two of teaching! Coach took a new job so naturally we spent the summer moving, adjusting to a new life and getting acquainted with new faces and places. I am at a new school and could not be more excited to be where I am. Coach is at Southeastern, a DII in Durant, OK and I am in Sherman, TX at Piner Middle School. So far I am loving being a part of Sherman ISD. I am loving even more the 25 minute commute to is far better than the hour I was driving last year!
Life is pretty much back to normal. Coach is in football hours, so he's out of the house before light and home after dark. I am back into single mommy role. So for year two I have some goals for the school year!
1. I will bring home NO work during the week! NONE! No grades/lessons/504/IEP NOTHING!
2. Sundays will be reserved for family time in the morning and afternoon, but during nap time I will get my lesson plans finalized.
3. I will not pour all of me into my teacher role! I will save some of me for my babes, coach, and myself.
4. It's okay to leave school with a messy desk...It's #teacherlife
5. I will make time for the gym a few days a week- I have got to keep my self sane! With coach in full swing for the season and single mom life reality, the gym is the only way I stay sane and relieve stress.
So to my fellow educators, seasoned or brand new, if I can give you any advice it would be... as a teacher you will never be "caught up." There will always be a paper to grade, a meeting to attend, a form to get filled out by a deadline. Take the time for yourself and for your family. Teacher life will still be there in the morning when you get back.
Here's a few snapshots of this years classroom. I am all about positive vibes and motivating my students!
I read somewhere that 40/50 percent of new teachers leave the education field within the first five years. They leave for various reasons, but bottom line I can completely understand why! Last year, as a new teacher, I was thrown into a sink or swim scenario. I almost sank, never truly swam, managed to tread water and made it through until the end!
I spent the fall pregnant with baby number two. I left school every day and took nothing home. Life was a breeze. I wasn't responsible for lesson plans, 504 plans, IEP plans, STAAR testing or any other daunting task teachers face. I was solely an inclusion support teacher. It was fantastic, but I wasn't loving where I was or what I was doing. I had the itch for my own classroom and my very own students. While on maternity leave I applied for other positions and other schools and had a few interviews. On February 2nd I began a new opportunity! 8th grade ELAR teacher at Cesar Chavez in Waco, Tx. I knew very little about the scenario I was about jump, feet first, into. A little background... The school is in deep with the Texas Education Agency for not meeting STAAR testing standards for three year running. The students, in general, were pretty disrespectful and lacked any motivation to learn. They were at school for their social life. So- coming into a situation like that, especially mid-year, made for a rough spring!
Coach was on the defensive staff at a small junior college so his hours were a little flexible. He stepped up to the plate and played Mr. Mom. I spent the Spring semester leaving every morning at six o'clock, before my babes were even awake, and made it home sometime between six and seven at night. The drive to Waco was an hour each way...a nice quiet hour...but it grew old pretty quick. I stayed late everyday and was there early every morning. I took lesson plans and grades home every night and every weekend. I was always trying to keep my head above water. The spring was not a great experience. I barely saw my babes. I was completely run down. I had no time or energy to get to the gym. I was gaining weight like crazy. My husband was the best support system through it all! He took the boys to and from school everyday. He held down the fort while I was commuting and working too late. Finally June came! Summer vacation!
Fall is here, year two of teaching! Coach took a new job so naturally we spent the summer moving, adjusting to a new life and getting acquainted with new faces and places. I am at a new school and could not be more excited to be where I am. Coach is at Southeastern, a DII in Durant, OK and I am in Sherman, TX at Piner Middle School. So far I am loving being a part of Sherman ISD. I am loving even more the 25 minute commute to is far better than the hour I was driving last year!
Life is pretty much back to normal. Coach is in football hours, so he's out of the house before light and home after dark. I am back into single mommy role. So for year two I have some goals for the school year!
1. I will bring home NO work during the week! NONE! No grades/lessons/504/IEP NOTHING!
2. Sundays will be reserved for family time in the morning and afternoon, but during nap time I will get my lesson plans finalized.
3. I will not pour all of me into my teacher role! I will save some of me for my babes, coach, and myself.
4. It's okay to leave school with a messy desk...It's #teacherlife
5. I will make time for the gym a few days a week- I have got to keep my self sane! With coach in full swing for the season and single mom life reality, the gym is the only way I stay sane and relieve stress.
So to my fellow educators, seasoned or brand new, if I can give you any advice it would be... as a teacher you will never be "caught up." There will always be a paper to grade, a meeting to attend, a form to get filled out by a deadline. Take the time for yourself and for your family. Teacher life will still be there in the morning when you get back.
Here's a few snapshots of this years classroom. I am all about positive vibes and motivating my students!
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Just some positive vibes! |
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The SWAG sign has been fixed to have the proper spelling of success. |
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Objective and Process TEK with EQ! |
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The view you have walking into my class! |
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Life after camp...
Life for the Haywoods has been a whirlwind lately! In between fall camp, back to school for my Pre-K baby, getting my classroom ready, and writing lesson plans I haven't much "me" time- or gym-time as I refer to it as. Needless to say my muscles are screaming for a few good lifting days! In true Kristen fashion I am sure this blog post will rambled and all over the spectrum.
First thoughts...Fall Camp has come to an end and I see my handsome guy a few hours more a week! Camp ended on a good note! I got some great photos for memories to look back on in the years to come! Best photo of camp week hands down is one of a few defensive guys playing with my boys. AJ was fortunate enough to get some life advice from a few guys.
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#DEATHROW #2015 |
We had our first family picture for the media guide! Is anyone ever photogenic outside in bright sunshine and 100 degree heat? I know I am not! One week from today and our season kicks of at home! Ready for next week and to begin the season with the first W over Henderson State! #GoSoutheastern.
Although camp has come to an end, the time I see the man of the house is limited. I get kisses every morning around 5:30, just as I am incoherently wiping the drool off my cheek. If we are lucky, about once a week we get to have an actual dinner with the whole family!
First week of school was this week... one more day and I will have survived my first year in seventh grade! Still so much to get done, as far as lesson planning and getting final touches on the classroom but hey it will all get where it needs to be eventually...that's what I keep telling myself any way. I was in such a good gym flow and then BAM! Teacher life has sucked me back in like the deep abyss of the sea. With any luck I will have paddled my way out just enough to leave before 5:00 every day and make it to my date nights with weights and protein shakes.
Goals for next week are to get ahead of lesson plans (hahahaha I like to tell teacher jokes) and get back into the gym! I am going to dive into Jamie Eason's newest regime "From Flat to All That!" I have included the link to get her week one and two circuits!Join in if you dare! Weeks 1-2 Jamie Eason
~Until next time! Cheerio!
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Full Swing!
As most are aware college football is now in FULL SWING! Camps have begun! Hello to early mornings before the sun arises and nights that end long after the sun has gone down! It never fails we are entering the hottest days of the year- just in time for two-a-days!
As a football wife you have two choices: embrace this crazy life or resent your husband for choosing this career path. I choose to accept this life and embrace it- Arms wide open! Part of that embracing this life business is looking at the positive side of things about camp. For those negative Nancy's out there who cringe and curse their husband's during camp, I encourage you to make a list of the positives about camp life!
Here are some POSITIVES I look forward to every August!
1. Meal preps come back into full swing (and I always tend to slim down a little because of this)
During summer when coach has more free evenings, we dine out A LOT! We are foodies, so naturally we enjoy dinner out with the kiddos. I can meal prep and never eat out. I will cook for days at a time, coach comes home and says "How about we go get fajitas tonight." Naturally I am all in. I tell my inner fat kid that we will just have a few chips and bask in the meat and veggies of fajitas. Although this never happens. It never fails I have engulfed an entire cup of queso/salsa and a bowl of chips. So for this reason I enjoy camp and the season because the days of dinner out are long gone! I go back to meal prep and eating clean. My body thanks me for this!
2. Me time...also known as gym time. Now that coach is occupied sun up to sun down, I have the time schedule my days as I want. The time has come, he is already busy so I no longer feel guilty leaving him at home to catch my exercise class. In the weeks leading up to camp, I always slack on my workouts because we are trying to fit in as much us time and time with the kids before he is gone day in and day out.
3. GAME DAY! I mean who doesn't look forward to game days? Tailgates and watching those boys out there are what we live for! On Saturdays in that stadium is usually the longest span of time that coach and I are in the same vicinity from August- December- well except for in bed sleeping of course. Although when you think about it he comes home long after I've usually gone to bed and he's up before I roll over.
4. The little moments...
Because coach and I don't get to spend too much time together during season, especially camp weeks, I get the chance to do all the cheesy little things that made him swoon for me long ago. I get to leave little love notes in his backpack and color fun things on the mirror for him to see. I get to get crafty and make him game day treats. I am crafty little lady and I like making him things. The season is a perfect time for all this. It gives us a way to connect while we are both busy.

5. Parading my minions around the office. The boys and I make impromptu visits to surprise dad and say, "Hi!" Everyone always enjoys seeing the boys and really...who doesn't love holding a squishy baby?
This year for camp I am making some fun football shape cookies for the coaches and players and then I am making pounds of homemade chex mix for coach to keep at the office to snack on throughout the weeks. I am also whipping up some fun treats for coach's players- just his position group. Here is the start of a little something... The smaller ones will be for the players and the big one I am going to frame for coach.
These are the days I get most excited about.
As a football wife you have two choices: embrace this crazy life or resent your husband for choosing this career path. I choose to accept this life and embrace it- Arms wide open! Part of that embracing this life business is looking at the positive side of things about camp. For those negative Nancy's out there who cringe and curse their husband's during camp, I encourage you to make a list of the positives about camp life!
Here are some POSITIVES I look forward to every August!
1. Meal preps come back into full swing (and I always tend to slim down a little because of this)

2. Me time...also known as gym time. Now that coach is occupied sun up to sun down, I have the time schedule my days as I want. The time has come, he is already busy so I no longer feel guilty leaving him at home to catch my exercise class. In the weeks leading up to camp, I always slack on my workouts because we are trying to fit in as much us time and time with the kids before he is gone day in and day out.
3. GAME DAY! I mean who doesn't look forward to game days? Tailgates and watching those boys out there are what we live for! On Saturdays in that stadium is usually the longest span of time that coach and I are in the same vicinity from August- December- well except for in bed sleeping of course. Although when you think about it he comes home long after I've usually gone to bed and he's up before I roll over.
Because coach and I don't get to spend too much time together during season, especially camp weeks, I get the chance to do all the cheesy little things that made him swoon for me long ago. I get to leave little love notes in his backpack and color fun things on the mirror for him to see. I get to get crafty and make him game day treats. I am crafty little lady and I like making him things. The season is a perfect time for all this. It gives us a way to connect while we are both busy.
5. Parading my minions around the office. The boys and I make impromptu visits to surprise dad and say, "Hi!" Everyone always enjoys seeing the boys and really...who doesn't love holding a squishy baby?
This year for camp I am making some fun football shape cookies for the coaches and players and then I am making pounds of homemade chex mix for coach to keep at the office to snack on throughout the weeks. I am also whipping up some fun treats for coach's players- just his position group. Here is the start of a little something... The smaller ones will be for the players and the big one I am going to frame for coach.
These are the days I get most excited about.
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Spouses in Sports
There are not many who understand what life is like as a football family and a coach's wife. I wouldn't say we are on the same playing field as a military wife, but some of the same emotions and daily life can really coincide- except, thankfully, I don't have to add the anxiety and fear of my husband never making it home to my list of worries.
In recent weeks I have became a part of an online community of coach's wives and I am already relaxing just a little bit about camp. It's comforting to know I am not the only one going through all the motions and secretly deep down inside already missing my husband more than words can say- and hey we are still three days out from camp- so life hasn't even really began yet! Adrian gives me a hard time about being a social media junkie, and well admitting it is the first step--- so yes I am addicted to social media. I use to scroll Facebook and see what was new on my news feed, but now I find myself scrolling through a few of the football wive's groups I am in on Facebook. It makes the days easier when you read about other women who are in your exact same situation. There is no one better that understands this life like another football wife. I also have joined Spouse in Sports and on my to do list is joining the American Football Wives Association. Coach's wives if you are not already a member, I urge you to join! You can never have too much support in this life we live.
Everywhere we have been, I have bonded with the women of the staff. Coach's families become your family. In the football world, if you are lucky, you miss Thanksgiving AND Christmas with your traditional family. Yet you spend it with your football family. At the Division I level if you are home for Christmas, well lets be honest- You didn't win enough games and didn't make it to post-season play or you won just enough for an early bowl game but you'll make it home in time for Christmas. Either one of those scenarios is not where a coach hopes to be. Coach's plan to spend the holidays in Phoenix, Pasadena, Florida, Arlington and the list goes on for prime bowl spots to be invited too.
When coach gets the call, and new job is on the horizon it's scary but exciting and we are all happy yet a little sad. After Adrian finished his masters and three years as a GA at Baylor the time came to find a new home. We were both said to leave Baylor. BU was family. Over the years we had grown close with several people and now it was time move along in the coaching world. He ended up at a Junior College in Corsicana, Texas. The season was a rough one. Adrian wasn't always happy and there wasn't a sense of family between the coach's and families. I spent a lot of time alone in Corsicana, well as alone as you can be with a chatty four year old. We are now at Southeastern, a D2 school in southeast Oklahoma. The staff here is family and many have been here together for a long time or they played here and now coach. Each get together I get a little close with the wives, but many have yet to understand the constant moving. My coach's goal is a DC spot at the Division 1 level and I can tell you we won't stop until he's there.
People tell me all the time, oh you can't move your kids that much or say oh it will be too hard for them to make new friends. Well coach's families are resilient and can adapt. It's what we do, it's how we live and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Camp begins SATURDAY! Just a few more days and it's going to be hello single mom life! If I want my house to be somewhat presentable and the kids halfway decent, I have to step up! Dad won't be helping with bath time or feeding the baby while I cook dinner- nope he will still be at the office so that all falls on me! So does doctor appointments, back to school night with our new Pre-K kiddo, and all the other mommy duties! Along with pre-k, Zaden is starting soccer this fall. Someone tried to explain to me that if his dad couldn't make his first games then we should wait to spring. Well dear let me explain to you that in a football family, there is no "off season" for coaches. If they aren't breaking down game film and practice then they are recruiting. If it isn't recruiting then it is spring ball, so even if we wait until Spring chances are daddy will still be missing games. But hey we are in 2015 that's what video technology and Face time are for! So daddy can still be a part of the memories!
So basically I want to say Thank You to all the coach's wives I have already became friends with in these social media forums. Some of us may be rivals on the field but off the field we support each other and lend an ear or a tissue when it is most needed. Good Luck to everyone for the season!
Like reading about our crazy lives? Check out some of these blogs from really great women I've connected with!
Footballwifelife: Game Planning
Lifeasafootballwife: August in a Coaching family
Thesimplysouthern: Love Letters to Coach
InchbyInch: It's just around the bend
CoachG'sWife: It's Here
fx4fit: lfriday-night-sister-wife
Like reading about our crazy lives? Check out some of these blogs from really great women I've connected with!
Footballwifelife: Game Planning
Lifeasafootballwife: August in a Coaching family
Thesimplysouthern: Love Letters to Coach
InchbyInch: It's just around the bend
CoachG'sWife: It's Here
fx4fit: lfriday-night-sister-wife
Friday, July 31, 2015
A Multitude of Emotions!
As I look at the calendar, I am in a bit of shock accompanied by awe. Friends we've got one week left before the world spins upside down! Football camp and back to school seasons are upon us!
This will be our first season at Southeastern and we are all overjoyed and excited to kick things off. I have seven days left with this handsome coach of mine and then daddy becomes limited around the house. He will be up and out of the house before the sun is up and he will be home long after the kids have been bathed and put to bed. Camp days are daunting but all worth it when we take the field for the first game in September! I have the camp schedule printed and while I'm excited for coach, my heart sinks just a little when I see the long days that are about to take over our life. Thankfully camp is only two weeks and then after camp, the days get a little easier and we all fall into a routine. The boys and mommy both look forward to watching our favorite coach on the field.
Coach's New Bio!
I have one week left of summer vacation and then I begin a new teaching journey with a new district! I'm excited and anxious, and somewhat ready to get back into the swing of things!
I'm ready for my structured schedule back: bedtimes, alarm clocks, meal preps and squeezing in the gym as often as time allows.
I tip my hat to stay at home moms. I once dreamed of a life where I could marry rich and stay home, until I spent my first summer home with my almost 5 year old and 7.5 month old. Just one summer is all I needed and I can tell you- I AM NOT ABOUT THIS LIFE! I love my babies but staying home all day, everyday with them is just not my calling in life. God did not give me the SAHM gene. Instead he called me to teach and I will cherish the summer vacations and school holidays with my kids but after that it's back to work and school for everyone.
While I have one more week left, so does Adrian! One week from tomorrow and his players report for camp and I will add football widow to the stack of hats I already wear. I can tell you the season is close because all that's on our TV at the moment are the Top 25 games of 2014. Last night it was game numbers eight and nine, and if it's not a football game replay then it's Madden. Coach doesn't do well with time off, June is usually his least favorite month because of all the down time. Needless to say he's ready to dive in head first!

Coach's New Bio!
We have 35 days until the season officially kicks off! I never thought I would be so ready for a new season of football, but after our last season I'm ecstatic!
I think that is all for now, so cheers lovies!
#GoSoutheastern #savagestorm
Thursday, July 30, 2015
A fresh beginning
The Lord blessed my future husband with some amazing patience! Heavens knows he needs them with me! I get really "great" ideas, make an impulsive trip to Hobby Lobby, spend all my salary (not really, but I could easily do that in this store). I then proceed to come home and get fast at work. After the "excitement" wears off, I usually never touch any of the things I bought again. This goes for any DIY projects and especially recipes! I have so many random ingredients in our pantry that I NEEDED to try a new recipe- that I never actually made. Well my idea about blogging has become one of the same...I think it's a great and fun thing to do- I post for about a week and then I get caught up with the everyday's of life. I am very impulsive and I latch on to new trends quick.
For this reason, this how our conversations usually go:
"Babe, I saw this on Pinterest, and I think it looks really awesome! I want to make it!"
Adrian's response, "Great idea babe, think about it for two weeks, and then lets talk."
It works for us, because I get to explain all my great and fascinating ideas, he listens and we talk through this wondrous creation I have dreamed up. Usually after those two weeks I have moved on to something new. He knows me well, so our agreement is usually if I am still into it after two weeks I get the green light!
Now with all that said, I am going to get better at blogging! I am not going to leave my poor blog all to her lonesome!
With all that said, stay tuned for some fun, as football season is right around the corner and that when life really gets fun!
Cheer lovies!
For this reason, this how our conversations usually go:
"Babe, I saw this on Pinterest, and I think it looks really awesome! I want to make it!"
Adrian's response, "Great idea babe, think about it for two weeks, and then lets talk."
It works for us, because I get to explain all my great and fascinating ideas, he listens and we talk through this wondrous creation I have dreamed up. Usually after those two weeks I have moved on to something new. He knows me well, so our agreement is usually if I am still into it after two weeks I get the green light!
Now with all that said, I am going to get better at blogging! I am not going to leave my poor blog all to her lonesome!
With all that said, stay tuned for some fun, as football season is right around the corner and that when life really gets fun!
Cheer lovies!
Friday, April 3, 2015
Baby Expert!

There is something about becoming a mom that makes some mommies truly believe they are an expert in parenting... and then out come the judgments.
Stay at home mom's crucify full-time working moms for not spending enough time with their littles... Working mom's belittle the job of a stay at home mom as not a real job...
I have seen so many women berate new moms for so many different issues: "over" feeding their babies, breast feeders vs non breast feeders, pro- vaccine mommies vs anti vaccine, cloth diapering vs regular old pampers, feeding organic diets vs the chef boyardee diet.... But really there is not a right or wrong way- There is the way you feel is the best for your family and your child.
The truth is we are all in this together! Every single one of us are just trying to be the best mommy we can to our littles... and while you may be an expert on your baby- that does NOT make you an expert on every other baby in the world.
Momma's with more than one little know... ALL babies are different. What works for one, will not always work for the other. The temperament of your first baby will not always be the same for the next. (Thank the Lord for that!) My first was colic and I think I might be in a loony bin if my four month old would have fallen along that path!
This video is such a GREAT example of all the stereotypes we have all set in place of different moms and how they raise their kids.
Bottom line: Being a mom is a tough job, and it's the most important one we, as women, will ever hold. Support other moms- don't judge and berate them just because their beliefs vary from yours.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
To Inject or To Not Inject
Merck makes a combo shot for MMR and Chicken Pox- ProQuad... I urge you avoid this combo at all costs! This combo requires ten times the amount of the live chicken pox virus that what the single vaccine uses. Combining the two interferes with the effectiveness of chicken pox, thus more is needed to ensure immunity.
Vaccines and Immunization are a hot topic these days, and a touchy one at that. No one seems to be on the fence about the issue and if you're pro vaccine then you're thoughts, opinions and posts are pretty extreme towards anti-vaxers. If you're an anti-vaxer, you just simply think every other parent is committing child abuse and poisoning their entire family- I mean what kind of parent would do that?

Here are some cold hard facts:
Kids today get triple the amount of doses that our generation and generations before us did.
Big Pharma fuels the vaccine industry and they are so deep in bed with the Federal Government that neither entity can be trusted.
Hepatitis B is given to babies at birth for their first dose. WHY?????? Hepatitis B is either sexually transmitted or transmitted through unsterilized needles. So unless mom is Hep B positive or your baby is going to be shooting up or having sex there is no medical reason for a NEWBORN baby to have this vaccine.

For those that are all aboard the federal and state governments to force every one to vaccinate I urge you to get informed. It's a civil liberty, as an American, to make informed decisions for one's family and their medical care. Forcing vaccinations takes away that right. It should be every parents' choice if they want to inject toxins into their child. I know several families who choose to vaccinate but one at a time. This is a reasonable option for those that feel it necessary to vaccinate and it limits the amount of toxins going into a child's immune system at one time. If vaccinations are forced I fear we will see more combo shots- which can be highly dangerous and compromise immune systems chronically.
While I am neither anti-vax or pro-vax, I am pro being informed and pro informed consent. I have learned enough and read enough studies that I am not personally comfortable with vaccinating my boys at this time.
I am savoring my final days of Spring Break! Tomorrow we leave to spend the weekend in Arkansas with my family! While I am thrilled and excited to see my family...I have grown to loathe family trips. It's such a hassle packing for a baby! Here is a list of what we feel we need to take for AJ- Everyone is different, especially if you travel by plane, but the Haywoods are driving!
1. Lots of changes of clothes
2. Pacifier
3. Bottles
4. Breast Pump/Bags/Ice Packs/Small cooler
5. Burp Cloths- AJ has some reflux A LOT
6. Blanket
7. Bumbo Seat- Like he's going to touch the ground between my mom, step mom, and sister
8. Boppy Pillow
9. Diapers
10. Wipes
That's just the baby! Mommy still needs her shakeology, containers, 21 Day Fix workouts...and then of course the basic necessities for daily use like clothes, deodorant etc.
Day 4 of the Fix and I am feeling good. Lower body is still sore- but hey you've got to break those muscles down and tear them to rebuild them stronger and leaner. If you're not sore- you're not doing work!
Today's shake is going to be chocolate, cinnamon, and nutmeg mixed with almond milk and a green container of spinach! I LOATHE vegetables and since I need 5 greens a day I have to sneak them in somewhere.
Side Note* My milk supply while nursing is staying pretty stable while on the Fix. I have added the intense activity but I didn't cut calories too much. Round 2 I might try and drop down a calorie bracket but for now I wanted to go up a calorie bracket- I wasn't willing to chance a big dip in supply. After the first 21 days the hope is my body will have adjusted to the workout and activity level I have added with the clean diet and then round two I skim my diet down just a tad to get more results but at the same time keep up the milk supply!
Three months postpartum my focus is not cutting calories, and if you're in the same boat you should have the same philosophy. It took 9 months for your body to adjust and change with baby, it's okay for it to take 9 months for it to go back. My focus is making the clean eating and exercise my lifestyle again, creating good habits. Naturally if you're eating clean and adding activity your body will start to change. Now my body may not change as quick as I would like, but feeding my baby that good ol boobie milk is my priority right now!
1. Lots of changes of clothes
2. Pacifier
3. Bottles
4. Breast Pump/Bags/Ice Packs/Small cooler
5. Burp Cloths- AJ has some reflux A LOT
6. Blanket
7. Bumbo Seat- Like he's going to touch the ground between my mom, step mom, and sister
8. Boppy Pillow
9. Diapers
10. Wipes
That's just the baby! Mommy still needs her shakeology, containers, 21 Day Fix workouts...and then of course the basic necessities for daily use like clothes, deodorant etc.
Day 4 of the Fix and I am feeling good. Lower body is still sore- but hey you've got to break those muscles down and tear them to rebuild them stronger and leaner. If you're not sore- you're not doing work!
Today's shake is going to be chocolate, cinnamon, and nutmeg mixed with almond milk and a green container of spinach! I LOATHE vegetables and since I need 5 greens a day I have to sneak them in somewhere.
Side Note* My milk supply while nursing is staying pretty stable while on the Fix. I have added the intense activity but I didn't cut calories too much. Round 2 I might try and drop down a calorie bracket but for now I wanted to go up a calorie bracket- I wasn't willing to chance a big dip in supply. After the first 21 days the hope is my body will have adjusted to the workout and activity level I have added with the clean diet and then round two I skim my diet down just a tad to get more results but at the same time keep up the milk supply!
Three months postpartum my focus is not cutting calories, and if you're in the same boat you should have the same philosophy. It took 9 months for your body to adjust and change with baby, it's okay for it to take 9 months for it to go back. My focus is making the clean eating and exercise my lifestyle again, creating good habits. Naturally if you're eating clean and adding activity your body will start to change. Now my body may not change as quick as I would like, but feeding my baby that good ol boobie milk is my priority right now!
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Make It A Habit

Third day of my Spring Break (I love the Teacher Life) and third day of the 21 Day Fix....
I have always heard it takes 21 days to form a habit.... In reality, this is different person to person... Scientifically it takes a person anywhere from 18 to 254 days to make something a habit, on average 66 days... But 21 days is a good number to start with...Baby steps people!
Meals are going strong and clean.... I am loving Shakeology. I am eating 6 small meals a day and it's keeping my body fueled.
I am drinking so much water, I am peeing like I am 8 months pregnant again.
Workouts are going great. The Fix workouts are perfect for when I return to my regular schedule next week. 30 minutes a day is totally doable! My walking resembles that of a newborn baby giraffe wearing stilettos on ice.
I want so bad to take CLA, but it's frowned upon when you are nursing! In scientific studies it was proven that women who took CLA had a decrease in the fat in their breast milk....and my chubbs loves his fatty boobie milk! Some claim it's safe...but this link was enough for me to not even chance it...
Goal for today is to make it through the Lower Fix.... and drink water!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
21 Day Fix!!!
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6-7 Months before baby number two. |
Once upon a time I was indulging in clean eating and intense fitness. Then we found out AJ was on his way, and essentially I thought it was okay to stop going to the gym and being "pregnant" gave me an excuse to eat anything I was craving. So the weeks I craved mashed potatoes and fried chicken, I ate it, almost daily. I was eating Chips Deluxe cookies-by the package- during my pregnancy and after too. I wanted to eat clean again but I couldn't buckle down and get focused...
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40 Weeks with Baby #2 |
Yesterday I had to fight through the Total Body Cardio Fix...It was rough but I finished. Today is the upper fix! So I am sure tomorrow I won't even be able to carry around my chunky baby.
3 Months Post baby Number 2 |
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